Kingdom Culture Bible Study

Thy Kingdom Come

When we speak of culture, we're speaking of a system of beliefs, disciplines, and practices that reveal how life is lived among a particular group of people. Kingdom Culture is about a whole new Spirit-empowered way of life that will change everything for you. It's designed for women believers of all ages and is set on living, thinking, and believing a specific way - the Kingdom way. Join us to study the Word, fellowship, and pray. There's no religion involved—just sound biblical doctrine.

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Gospel Glimpse đź‘€

A recent industry report indicated that instances of identity theft have soared by 584% over the last 20 years, estimating an impact on more than 40 million victims. Although identity theft is relatively new in the modern digital world, it has been happening in the spirit within the body of Christ for thousands of years. The first recorded identity theft incident was reported live from the Garden of Eden in Genesis chapter 3. Satan used trickery and deception to attack their identity and relationship with God by causing them to doubt God’s love for them, to question His Word and will for their lives, and their rights and privileges as children of God.

Sis, does it sound like you’ve been a victim of spiritual identity theft? Well, join us as we go through the “Identity Theft: Reclaiming God’s Truth” series to dismantle the lies of the thief, rediscover your identity, and understand who you are in God’s eyes.

Topics in this series include:

LifeLock: See If Your Identity Is Stolen, Pick-Pocketed, Consumer Advice: How to Protect Your Identity, In His Words: Who God Is, Who Do You Say I Am?, Identification Verified, Exposing the Tricks of the Trade, and Thieves Never Prosper.

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